Letter from the founder
Hi. You have reached GiveLife, an accessible online platform that directly connects donors to individuals in need of educational and medical assistance in a faster, easier and more transparent manner.
The idea of GiveLife was born out of my involvement and many interactions with various charity and civic groups like Rotary, Red Cross, Mabuhay Shriners, Bagong Henerasyon and Interact wherein I experienced first-hand the disconnect between donations and recipients. The reality is that there are many generous donors willing to give scholarships, books, wheel chairs, surgical procedures and blood for free, but who do not know where to channel these due to lack of donee referrals. On the other hand, there are a lot of less fortunate people out there who are in need of educational and medical assistance, but who do not know where to run for help.
Imagine the amount of donations that go to waste if unused and unallocated. Harnessing the power of modern technology, GiveLife bridges the gap between donors and recipients. Through our matching platform, donors can give life and help potential recipients in need of their support by viewing and donating to our life catalog. Conversely, potential recipients can now make a wish and post their requests after viewing our wish catalog of donated goods for educational or medical support. Our volunteers will then take care of the rest and match the donors with the needy recipients.
Help me give life